Victoria Spartz tweeted the following:
"Good paper co-authored by @TheJusticeDept, @FTC, @AEI, & @AmerMedicalAssn on harmful effects of federally incentivized & subsidized hospital consolidation on medical care cost & innovation. Federal ban on physician-owned hospitals is one of the examples."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Victoria Spartz:
"Rep. Spartz issued the following statement about DirecTVs recent decision to drop @NEWSMAX." on Feb. 14Read on Twitter
"Today, Rep. Spartz issued the below statement on the Chinese spy balloon and unidentified aerial objects." on Feb. 14Read on Twitter
"I was honored to speak at the @StAFreedomForum Religious Freedom Reception hosted by @RepSarbanes.Our nation was founded on these principles, and we must always remind ourselves how many people died for us to have these freedoms - and how many people are dying now to get them." on Feb. 10Read on Twitter