Victoria Spartz tweeted the following:
"Today, we honor and remember the millions of victims and survivors of the Holocaust. #HolocaustRemembranceDay"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Victoria Spartz:
"Last night I joined @AC360 on @CNN to discuss the importance of rule of law and due process for our institution, which is supposed to defend our Constitution and our rights, regardless of our personal feelings and views." on Jan. 26Read on Twitter
"Nice connecting with @MENTORnational to discuss the importance of mentorship programs for Hoosier youth!" on Jan. 26Read on Twitter
"As a Constitutional conservative who believes that governments main job is to PROTECT equality of rights and the rule of law I will never let my fellow Americans down for appeasement & political messaging, regardless who is in charge - Pelosi or" on Jan. 25Read on Twitter